Autumn is upon us! The most beautiful time of year in Western North Carolina. The Great Smoky Mountains are just beginning to turn their beautiful shades of red, orange and gold. The trees in your yard aren’t exempt from this change; but did you know they may require a little extra TLC to thrive throughout the cooler months?
The trees in the woods surrounding your home typically have an advantage. The forest tends to create an abundance of nutrients within its natural environment. Fallen bark and leaves organically decompose and feed the roots of the forest trees, whereas you probably rake these biological nutrients out of your yard for aesthetic purposes.
You don’t want to leave rotting leaves to decompose in your yard, so there are some alternative methods to keep your tree’s soil healthy. At All Pro Tree and Crane, we offer Deep Root Fertilization; a process that injects liquid fertilizer deep into the soil to ensure it is absorbed by your tree’s roots. It is important to utilize the deep root process because placing fertilizer near the top of the ground cannot be absorbed a tree’s deep root system. If applying fertilizer near the top of the soil, the fertilizer is primarily absorbed by your grass, resulting in tall dark green spots of grass, or dead spots (if the fertilizer is too salty for your yard to absorb).
Many apply mulch throughout their landscape in the springtime as it enhances curb appeal. But applying an organic compost mulch during the fall will protect your tree from harsher weather in upcoming winter months, and help the tree retain water. Remember to apply enough mulch to benefit the tree: about 2-4 inches in depth. Most would suggest mulching as far out as the drip line of the tree. For those of you with large trees, that isn’t practical or realistic, so we would recommend mulching a 2- or 3-foot radius around the tree.
Tree management is still important… Even as trees begin to fall into their dormant winter months. Fall, hurricane weather and winter storms can certainly make dead limbs a danger to you and your property. Be sure to trim or have this deadwood pruned off your tree for the safety’s sake.
If you don’t have lingering deadwood, the warm summer months may have caused excessive growth on your trees. We had an extremely wet spring and summer – did that cause overgrowth in your trees this year? All Pro can help get those trees back to a sustainable and healthy shape.
As the leaves begin to fall, take some time to give your tree(s) a look-over. Do you see any issues, structural or otherwise? If so, give All Pro Tree & Crane a call for a professional assessment.
Did you know fall is a wonderful time to plant a new tree? Many folks focus on springtime planting. However, cooler weather is ideal for promoting healthy root growth! So, get to planting before the ground freezes, use mulch for protection, and wrap the base. That’s right, you don’t want your freshly planted tree falling victim to freezing weather. Wrapping the base can help protect them while they are in their dormant season.
(You can find “Tree Wrap” most home improvement stores)